Local Residents Recall living in fear during the Beltway Snipers rampage.
/Katherine White I can't believe they are going to waste time and money on a new sentencing hearing for Lee Boyd Malvo. His crime was heinous. He was tried fairly as an adult and was given a life sentence because he was young. Otherwise he would have been executed as his cohort. He deserves no more "special" consideration for his age. His sentence should remain the same.
I have lived in Aspen Hill since 1970 and except for the several year era of the Aspen Hill Rapist, the 3 week reign of terror that Malvo and his step father incurred on the Aspen Hill/Silver Spring/Rockville area was horrific. People were terrified to buy gas. They would hide behind their car doors or in their cars like that was going to make a difference. Life sentence was not fair to all the innocent people they murdered or shot throughout the Washington/Virginia vicinity.
David Reichenbaugh's new book In Pursuit, The Hunt for the Beltway Snipers will be coming to a book store near you on October 2nd 2018. Reichenbaugh takes the reader thru the nuts and bolts of the beltway sniper case form the initial killing to the high pressure take down of the two blood thirsty killers in a rest area off I-70 in Myersville Maryland.
Currently available for pre orders on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Indie Bound. Reserve you copy today. Book events and book signings will begin in late September. Check Davids Web page for dates locations and times.