Author to appear at Sky Stage Frederick Maryland Wednesday night
/Author and retired Maryland State Police Lieutenant David Reichenbaugh will appear at Sky Stage Frederick Maryland on Wednesday evening at 7:30PM. Sky stage 59 s Carroll Street Frederick Maryland is an open air stage located in the heart of old Frederick Maryland. Reichenbaugh author of In Pursuit the Hunt for the Beltway Snipers will read the forward for his new book (unpublished) and a small segment of his latest novel Predator Among Us. It will also be his honor to introduce his grandson Ezaiha Belmont who will read for the first time publicly, 2 of his poems Boy in the Grass and Temptation to Solitude. Please feel free to stop by and enjoy readings from local authors and poets at this outdoor event. There is plenty of room for social distancing. Wear your mask and enjoy the talent.