Sniper case to be featured on Law and Crime Pod Cast
/David Reichenbaugh author of In Pursuit the Hunt for the Beltway Snipers began production today for a twenty year anniversary 12 part pod cast series for Law and Crime. Boasting over 3 Million viewers the Pod Cast which has yet to be titled will be broadcast sometime in October on the 20th anniversary of the Sniper case which was the most intense and largest man hunt in American Law Enforcement history. Reichenbaugh concluded the firt recorded interview of more than an hour with Host Tony Holt. This was the first of several interviews to be conducted in the coming weeks including a site visit to the Myersville Maryland rest area where the 23 day seige of terror was ended. Reichenbaugh’s book and memoir is being used as reference for this production. In Pursuit the Hunt for the Beltway Snipers is available on Amazon, Border and Indie Bound.