Busy week scheduled for In Pursuit the Hunt for the Beltway Snipers Author

Retired Maryland State Police Lt. David Reichenbaugh, author of In Pursuit the Hunt for the Beltway Snipers that chronicles the most intense and largest manhunt in American Law Enforcement history, will make an appearance at Barnes & Noble in the Francis Scott Key Mall 5500 Buckeystown Pike on Saturday April 13th between 11AM and 4PM where he will be there to answer any questions about his involvement in the capture of the Beltway Snipers and to sign books. He will be among several other local authors for this all day event. On Sunday He will tape a Pod cast with Ann Dark, Tracey Stormy and Kathy Knight for an upcoming pod cast on It was a Dark and Stormy Book Club a pod cast for mystery lovers. This coming off a week where he taped a 2 hour interview for I-Heart Media/Radio for a production to be aired in a couple of months. Last Saturday he did a presentation for over 10 people at the Annapolis Book Festival. His panel was monitored by WBAL Chief Investigative Reporter Jayne Miller. In attendance was New York Times Best selling author Peggy Rowe. He appeared with other NYT best selling authors such as Ken Starr who called him a true American Hero and Evin Thomas, Kevin Cowherd, Isakoff and other best selling and noted authors. Stop by Barnes & Noble in Frederick Maryland this Saturday and meet the author.

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Annapolis Book Festival on stage with WBAL’s Chief Investigative Reporter Jayne Miller

Fans line up to meet the author and get In Pursuit the Hunt for the Beltway Snipers signed.

Fans line up to meet the author and get In Pursuit the Hunt for the Beltway Snipers signed.

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Retired State Police Lt. tapes 2 hour interview for I-heart Media reference the Beltway Snipers and his new book

The author of In Pursuit the Hunt for the Beltway Snipers, David Reichenbaugh, traveled to the studios of I-Heart Media and Radio to record a 2 hour interview for an upcoming I-heart media with an expected nation wide release over I-heart Radio stations production about the beltway sniper case. The production which will take a couple of months to produce and will be part of a 15 part series about the most intense and largest man hunt in American Law Enforcement History. During the studio session Reichenbaugh discussed his role in the investigation and capture of the two cold blooded killers that terrorized the nation for 23 days in October 2002. This will assist the retired State Police Lt with national exposure for his new book which for the first time details the police investigation and the capture of the killers in the Myersville Maryland rest area. Reichenbaugh travels to Annapolis Maryland on Saturday for an appearance at the Annapolis Book Festival with WBAL’s Investigative Reporter Jayne Miller. Reichenbaugh will appear at the festival with other noted authors such as Ken Starr, Contempt a Memoir of the Clinton Investigation, Evin Thomas, First Sandra Day O’Connor, Kevin Cowherd, When the Crowd Didn’t Roar, and other well established and accomplished authors.

Author David Reichenbaugh in the recording studios of I-Heart Radio

Author David Reichenbaugh in the recording studios of I-Heart Radio


Retired State Police Lt to appear at the Annapolis Book Festival with WBAL Chief Investigative Reporter Jayne Miller

Author David Reichenbaugh will appear at the Annapolis Book Festival this Saturday, April 6th at 2:00PM to present his new book In Pursuit the Hunt for the Beltway Snipers. The author and retired Maryland State Police Lieutenaant will be at the Key School 534 Hillsmere Drive Annapolis Maryland at 2:00PM at Room 2 Barn Commons where he will give a presentation monitored by WBAL’s Chief Investigative Reporter Jayne Miller.

Jayne Miller covered the sniper case and the subsequent trials and this discussion which is open to the public promises to be very detailed and informative. The book festival will have In Pursuit the Hunt for the Beltway Snipers available for sale and the author will be happy to sign books for those that purchase his book at the vent.

The sniper case terrorized the Washington, Maryland and Virginia area for 23 days in October 2002. During the 23 days John Muhammad and Lee Malvo were responsible for murdering 10 people and wounding 4 more. The shootings were completely random and terrorized the Capitol area bringing normal life to a standstill. The investigation was the largest and most intense manhunt in American law enforcement history. Come and hear the true story as never been told before how the investigation was conducted and how the killers were tracked down and cornered in a rest area in Myersville Maryland. Reichenbaugh takes the reader thru the investigation including the intense emotions of working the case that investigators dealt with while working around the clock to track down the killers and bring them to justice.

In addition to Reichenbaugh the Book festival will have other noted authors at the event to present their books including Michael Isikoff, Ken Starr, Evan Thomas, and Kevin Cowherd.


For a full schedule of the Annapolis Book Festival at the Key School check out their web page www.keyschool.org/annapolisbookfestival