Author of In Pursuit the Hunt for the Beltway Snipers taped an interview for Law Enforcement Today

Retired Maryland State Police Lieutenant David Reichenbaugh and author of In Pursuit the Hunt for the Beltway Snipers, to be released on October 2nd 2018, was interviewed by John “Jay” Wiley, radio talk show host of Law Enforcement Today. Jay and Reichenbaugh had a candid discussion about the sniper investigation, its impact on not only the Mid Atlantic Region, but the entire nation. The taped interview went for close to 4o minutes and Reichenbaugh discussed his role in the investigation as well as the importenance of his new book In Pursuit the Hunt for the Beltway Snipers from a historical perspective. The interview will be broadcast on associated radio stations across the nation next week. It will also be available the following Monday as a pod cast on lawenforcement

Check out the interview and hear from the author directly. The book will be released on October 2nd and will be in book stores around the area and the nation. It is also available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Indie bound. Retired Lt. Reichenbaugh will also be at the Baltimore Book Festival on Saturday September 29th at noon on the Inner Harbor stage where he will be in conversation about In Pursuit the Hunt for the Beltway Snipers, with Tom Maureillo, University of Maryland Criminal Just Department Professor and owner of ForensiQ, He will follow up with a book signing and his new book In Pursuit the Hunt for the Beltway Snipers which will be available at the Festival.

Dave's Head Shots, Hypnotic Imagery, LLC, Rebecca O'Neill,

Retired State Police Lt. Author of In Pursuit The Hunt for the Beltway Snipers to Appear at Barnes & Noble Fairfax Virginia

David Reichenbaugh has accepted an invitation to conduct a Book event, book signing, and answer questions about his new book In Pursuit the Hunt for the Beltway Snipers On October 21st 2018 at Barnes & Noble 12193 Fair Lakes Promenade, Fairfax Virginia at 2:00PM.  Reichenbaugh returns to Fairfax which was one of the epee-centers of the three weeks of terror created by the beltway snipers in October 2002.  During those three weeks the beltway snipers John Mohammad and Lee Malvo murdered 10 people in cold blood and wounded 4 more in the Northern Virginia, Maryland and District of Columbia area.  Their cold blooded attacks innocent people who were just going about their daily routines resulted in the largest and most intense man hunt in American History.  In Pursuit the Hunt for the Beltway Snipers takes the reader inside the investigation, inside the mind of the author David Reichenbaugh.  Reichenbaugh who along with his team tracked leads, ran down thousands of tips and worked around the clock to first identify the cold blooded killers then track them down to an interstate rest area on top of South Mountain in Myersville Maryland. This is the first time after 16 years that the true story for the hunt for the beltway snipers has been told.  In Pursuit the Hunt for the Beltway Snipers is a must read for those that remember the fear that gripped the entire mid Atlantic region.   Endorsed by Joseph Wambaugh, New York Times Best Selling author of such american police classics at the Onion Field and Choir Boys. In Pursuit can be found in great book stores such as Barnes & Noble on October 2nd.   It is also available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Indie Bound

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In Pursuit the Hunt for the Beltway Snipers will be released to a fine book Store near you on October 2nd, 2018.

In Pursuit the Hunt for the Beltway Snipers will be released to a fine book Store near you on October 2nd, 2018.